#516: Why can't students choose their teachers in school (10th grader)?"
Why can't school students choose their teachers? If students could take lessons from various teachers and then choose their favorite at the beginning of the semester, their attitude toward studying might improve. However, such a system could place a heavy burden on both the teachers and the school. For example, let's say there are 50 first-year students, 35 second-year students, and 30 third-year students who all like teacher A (for math). In that case, teacher A would have to teach math to all the grades, which could result in an overwhelming workload, making it difficult to deliver quality lessons. It may be these logistical reasons that students can't choose their teachers.
So, what should students do when they have to learn from teachers whose teaching style they don't like? One solution might be to think of it as an opportunity to learn about yourself. If you don't like the teacher, you could try studying on your own. By proactively advancing your own studies, you might discover what study methods suit you best, which could provide a valuable opportunity for self-understanding.
I wrote the original post in Japanese for the Mainichi Children’s Newspaper. Read here for more information on the project.
I generated a portion of this English translation using ChatGPT. Although I always read everything I post and add my final edits, I would like to be transparent about the translation process.