Research Statement

I am an applied and empirically engaged philosopher trained in quantitative and qualitative research methods. For my applied philosophy work, I use existing philosophical theories and frameworks to evaluate and (sometimes) propose education policies from the perspectives of justice, equity, and fairness. My dissertation research, in particular, uses Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum’s Capability Approach to normatively reconsider what ought to be measured to understand the success of educational institutions. 

As an  engaged  philosopher, I start with real-world issues and use conceptual toolkits from moral and political philosophy to identify underlying values, assumptions, and inferential gaps in policy positions to propose justice-centered recommendations. For instance, my paper under preparation titled “Justice and Universal Pre-K” explores the justificatory grounds provided by the empirical researchers who call for Universal Pre-K and elucidates their inferential gaps. Both types of inquiry involve paying close attention to empirical evidence and using philosophy to engage with the world. 

As an empirical researcher and a Co-Principal Investigator of the National Ethics Project, I conduct mixed-methods studies on ethics education in American higher education, particularly in undergraduate Computer Science and Engineering programs. 

Click here for my Research Statement.

Publications & Works in Progress

Lee, K. The Capability Approach as a normative framework of educational measurement. Manuscript in preparation.

Lee, K. The Capability Approach and Children’s Moral Status: Are They Compatible?. Manuscript in preparation.

Lee, K, Ongis, M., Kidd, D., Lee, A., Kuzan, J., Newman, A. (2023). The alignment of instructor and student perceptions of ethics instructions in embedded ethics program and standalone ethics courses. Manuscript accepted for publication.

Lee, K., & Torres, E. (2023). Review of Handbook of philosophy of education by R. Curren. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 81(285), 403–409.

Kim, J., Chambers, D., Lee, K., Kidd, D. (2023). Assessing the State of Ethics Education in General Education Curricula at U.S. Research Universities and Liberal Arts Colleges. The Journal of Academic Ethics.

Lee, K. (2018). Philosophy for Graduate Students: Metaphysics and Epistemology, by Alex Broadbent. Teaching Philosophy, 41(3), 326–329.

Lee, K. (2018). Invitation to virtue epistemologists: Epistemic goal of education revisited. Philosophy of Education, 74, 351-366.

Awards,  Grants & Fellowships

  • Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Harvard University (2022-2023)

    Philosophy of Education Institute, Spencer Foundation (2022-2023)

  • Philosophy of Education Society Great Britain (PESGB) Summer School & Spring Workshop, PESGB (2023-2024)

    Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award, The American Educational Research Association (AERA) (April 2023)

  • Incubation Project Grant, National Science Foundation (NSF) (2021-2022)

    Challenge Grant, The Public Interest Technology University Network (PIT-UN) (2020-2021)

  • Ethics Pedagogy Fellowship, The Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University (2018-2019)

    Presidential Scholarship, Harvard University (2016-2017)

    The Freeman Asian Scholarship, Wesleyan University (2009-2013)

Methodological Training


Applied Philosophy

(Using existing theories or frameworks to think through real-world issues)

Engaged Philosophy

(Starts with the real-world issues and uses philosophy to identify values, assumptions & inferential gaps, evaluate options, and propose recommendations)

Quantitative Research Methods

Regression Analysis

Logistic Regression Analysis

Discrete-Time Survival Analysis

Principal Component Analysis

Cluster Analysis

Multilevel Modeling

Factor Analysis

Structural Equation Modeling


Qualitative Research Methods


  • conducting interviews

  • training other interviewers

  • codebook development

  • coding interviews with NVivo or Dedoose

  • interview analysis & write-up

Qualitative Program Evaluation

Academic Service

  • Academic Journals

    Associate Editor/ Book Review Editor, Educational Theory

    Editor, Precollege Philosophy and Public Practice

    Manuscript Reviewer

    The Journal of Philosophy of Education

    Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review


    2025 Program Committee Member, Philosophy of Education Society (PES)

    Communications Director, Philosophical Studies in Education SIG, American Educational Research Association (AERA)

  • Co-Founder & Hospitality Chair, Graduate Student Committee Philosophy of Education Society (PES)

    Conference Reviewer

    American Educational Research Association (AERA)

    Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE)

Public Engagement