#525: Why do we subconsciously see minority groups in a negative light? (10th grader)

There is a Japanese proverb that says, "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down." I am a Zainichi Korean, and I believe that being a minority means being forced to be that "nail that sticks out." In other words, just by existing, minorities are treated as the nails that stick out and are constantly hammered down.

So why do people want to hammer down those who stand out? One reason might be the collectivist mindset. People find comfort in environments where everyone is the same. So, when someone steps out of line, they might think, "This person is troublesome," or "I don't know how to deal with them," or even "They're causing trouble for others." These feelings might arise naturally. After all, group behavior is essential for humans to live together.

But people in the minority group cannot change being a "nail that sticks out," so it's not right to hammer them down. In my opinion, minorities in our society cannot and do not need to change who they are. It's everyone's responsibility to understand and respect each other.




I wrote the original post in Japanese for the Mainichi Children’s Newspaper. Read here for more information on the project. 
I generated a portion of this English translation using ChatGPT. Although I always read everything I post and add my final edits, I would like to be transparent about the translation process. 

#529: Why are there meaningless rules at school? (6th grader from Nagasaki)


#522: Why do people research space? (4th grader)