#531: Why are there differences between languages in the world?

How do languages develop? Dr. Watanabe mentions culture and history, but if I can add another factor, religion may also influence the development of language. For example, in many English-speaking countries, Christianity has a strong influence. Because of this, when someone sneezes in English-speaking regions, people around them often say, "God bless you!" It means "May God bless you." The reason for this is that, when someone sneezes, it was once believed that their soul might temporarily leave their body, making them vulnerable to demons. Saying "God bless you" was thought to protect the person from such evil spirits.

As someone unfamiliar with Christianity, I find this phrase and the underlying concept very interesting. Nowadays, even people who are not Christian use this phrase without thinking about its original meaning. A religious concept has become a part of everyday language. Learning other languages allows us to get to know various aspects of all these cultures. How fascinating!


言語ってどうやって発展するのだろう。ワタナベさんは、文化と歴史をあげているけれど、もう1つ要素を加えるなら、宗教も言語の発展に影響があると思う。例えば英語圏はキリスト教の影響が強い国が多く、英語圏でくしゃみをすると「God bless you!」(ゴッド・ブレス・ユー)と周りの人に言われる。それは「神のご加護がありますように」と言う意味だ。なぜそういう反応をするかといえば、くしゃみをすると、その人の体からたましいが離れて悪魔にとりつかれやすくなってしまうから、「神のご加護がありますように」と言うことで、くしゃみをした人を悪魔から守る意味があるのだとか。キリスト教になじみのない私からしたら、とても面白い考え方・言い回しだなと思う。そして今はキリスト教じゃない人も、気にせずこのフレーズを使っている。宗教的な考え方が、みんなが使う言葉の一部になっている。他の国の言語を学ぶと、その国のいろいろなことが学べて面白いね。

I wrote the original post in Japanese for the Mainichi Children’s Newspaper. Read here for more information on the project. 
I generated a portion of this English translation using ChatGPT. Although I always read everything I post and add my final edits, I would like to be transparent about the translation process. 

#533: When I tickle myself, why doesn't it feel ticklish? (3rd grader)


#529: Why are there meaningless rules at school? (6th grader from Nagasaki)