#535: What's the difference between "cute" and "beautiful"? (6th grader)

Dr. Murase's response is very interesting, but I think there are even more differences between "beautiful" and "cute." For example, as Dr. Murase mentions, the word "beautiful" can be used for large-scale things like landscapes or scenery. On the other hand, the word "cute" is often used for smaller-scale things, such as a kitten or a keychain, for instance. The phrase "cute building" can make sense, but when I say a building is cute, it somehow gives the impression of being small.

However, when it comes to people or children, how are "beautiful" and "cute" different? In my image, "cute" is similar to the word "endearing" or "adorable" — cute, endearing, or adorable people, children, or animals make me want to protect, pinch their cheeks, or take some actions (like hugging!). When I see a cute kitten, I can't help but want to pet its head. In contrast, when it comes to beautiful people or animals, I just look at them and am captivated by their beauty. It's less about taking action and more about quietly admiring them. What do you think?



I wrote the original post in Japanese for the Mainichi Children’s Newspaper. Read here for more information on the project. 
I generated a portion of this English translation using ChatGPT. Although I always read and edit everything I post, I would like to be transparent about the translation process. 

#533: When I tickle myself, why doesn't it feel ticklish? (3rd grader)